Munich Center for NeuroSciences - Brain and Mind

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Dr. Kay Thurley

Dr. Kay Thurley

Associate member MCN


Computational Neuroscience, Department Biologie II
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Großhaderner Straße 2
D-82152 Planegg-Martinsried

Phone: +49 (0)89 / 2180-74823
Fax: +49 (0)89 / 2180-74803


Further Information

Research focus:

  • Neural basis of spatial navigation and time estimation
  • Computation in the hippocampal formation
  • Collective properties and dynamics of neural networks

Current GSN students: Olivia Haas, Josephine Henke

Selected publications:

Kautzky M and Thurley K. (2016) Estimation of self-motion duration and distance in rodents. Royal Soc. Open Sci. In press. doi: 10.1098/rsos.160118

Thurley K. (2016) Magnitude Estimation with Noisy Integrators Linked by an Adaptive Reference. Front. Integr. Neurosci. 10:6.

Garbers C, Henke J, Leibold C, Wachtler T and Thurley K. (2015) Contextual processing of brightness and color in Mongolian gerbils. Journal of Vision 15(1):13, 1–13.

Thurley K, Henke J, Hermann J, Ludwig B, Tatarau C, Wätzig A, Herz AVM, Grothe B and Leibold C. (2014) Mongolian gerbils learn to navigate in complex virtual spaces. Behav Brain Res 266: 161-168.

Thurley K, Hellmundt F and Leibold C. (2013) Phase precession of grid cells in a network model without external pacemaker. Hippocampus 23(9): 786–796.