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Rüdiger Klein

Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Klein

Regular member MCN, GSN core faculty


Director & Head of Dept. Molecules – Signaling – Development, MPI for Biological Intelligence


Max Planck Institute for Biological Intelligence
Department Molecules – Signaling – Development
Am Klopferspitz 18
D-82152 Martinsried

Phone: +49 (0)89 / 8578 - 3151
Fax: +49 (0)89 / 8578 - 3152


Further Information

Research focus: Mechanisms of cell-cell communication that underlie the growth and guidance axonal processes in the mammalian central nervous system, mechanisms that regulate hippocampus synaptic plasticity, signal transduction mediated by receptor tyrosine kinases and their co-receptors, cell-cell communication during vascular development

Key words: Molecular neurobiology

GSN students

Selected publications:

Dudanova I, Kao T-J, Herrmann JE, Zheng B, Kania A and Klein R. (2012). Genetic evidence for a contribution of EphA:ephrinA reverse signaling to motor axon guidance. J. Neuroscience 32(15): 5209-5215.

Yamagishi S*, Hampel F*, Hata K, del Toro D, Schwark M, Kvachnina E, Bastmeyer M, Yamashita T, Tarabykin V, Klein R and Egea J. (2011). FLRT2 and FLRT3 act as repulsive guidance cues for Unc5-positive neurons. EMBO Journal doi:10.1038/emboj.2011.189. * Equal contribution

Hübener M and Klein R. (2011). Elektrisch aktiv – Funktion und Entwicklung des Gehirns (Book chapter). Zukunft Gehirn edited by Peter Gruss and Tobias Bonhoeffer. Verlag C.H. Beck, München.

Klein R. (2010). Cell Sorting during Regenerative Tissue Formation. Invited Preview. Cell 143, doi:10.1016/j.cell.2010.09.018.

Klein R. (2010). Topography in hippocampal mossy fiber plasticity. Invited Preview. Neuron, doi:10.1016/j.neuron.2010.02.023.