Munich Center for NeuroSciences - Brain and Mind

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Thomas Schenk

Prof. Dr. Thomas Schenk

MCN regular member, GSN associate faculty, GSN Scientific Board member


Professor for Clinical Neuropsychology


LMU Munich
Department of Psychology
Leopoldstr. 13
80802 München

Phone: +49 (0)89 / 2180-3120


Further Information

Keywords: Neuropsychology, Visual Perception, Motor control, Attention, Rehabilitation

Brief research description:
The aim of our research is to gain a better understanding of the interplay between the cognitive and neural processes underlying perception, action and attention. We also to use these insights to improve the diagnostic procedures and treatments for neurological patients with visual, motor and attentional deficits.

Current GSN students: Inara Makhkamova, Doris Schmid

Selected publications:

Schenk, T., & Hesse, C. (2018). Do we have distinct systems for immediate and delayed actions? A selective review on the role of visual memory in action. Cortex, 98, 228-248. doi:10.1016/j.cortex.2017.05.014

Kiphuth, I. C., Utz, K. S., Noble, A. J., Köhrmann, M., & Schenk, T. (2014). Increased prevalence of posttraumatic stress disorder in patients after transient ischemic attack. Stroke, 45(11), 3360-3366.

Schenk, T. (2012). No dissociation between perception and action in patient DF when haptic feedback is withdrawn. Journal of Neuroscience, 32(6), 2013-2017.

Lane, A. R., Smith, D. T., Ellison, A., & Schenk, T. (2010). Visual exploration training is no better than attention training for treating hemianopia. Brain, 133(Pt 6), 1717-1728. doi:10.1093/brain/awq088

Schenk, T. (2006). An allocentric rather than perceptual deficit in patient D.F. Nat Neurosci, 9(11), 1369-1370. doi:10.1038/nn1784