HBI-MCN Partnership Meeting, February 24-28, 2016
The Hotchkiss Brain Institute of the University of Calgary (HBI) has hosted an inaugural HBI-MCN partnership meeting in 2016.
Up to 10 GSN PhD students in their 2nd and 3rd year were invited to join a MCN-GSN delegation to present their work and explore tangible funded postdoc options at the HBI in the fields of neuroscience and mental health.
The meeting aims to provide a chance for participants to share their research and hear talks by principal investigators and post-doctoral fellows from the HBI and Mathison Centre for Mental Health Research and Education, facilitate contact with HBI leading researchers and potential supervisors, and tour HBI facilities and the University of Calgary campus. Last but not least, the meeting is an occasion for cultural experiences in the scenic Rocky Mountains.
Read more about the HBI Background. Interested GSN students are encouraged to get in touch via gsn@lmu.de to indicate their interest in the event.