Munich Center for NeuroSciences - Brain and Mind

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Igor Yakushev

PD Dr. Igor Yakushev

GSN full member, associate member MCN


Head of Neuroimaging, Senior Consultant in Nuclear Medicine


Technical University of Munich
Dept. of Nuclear Medicine


Further Information

Research focus: I lead the research group “multimodal imaging of normal and pathological cognition”. Our ultimate aim is to understand the mechanisms of normal and pathological cognition. Herewith, we rely on the concept of brain connectivity and apply neuroimaging methods such as positron emission tomography, structural, functional MRI, and diffusion weighted imaging. The contribution of molecular imaging to our knowledge on brain connectivity is studied within a recently established consortium "Molecular Connectivity" (

Keywords: molecular imaging, multimodal neuroimaging, neurodegenerative disorders, biomarkers, brain connectivity, computational neuroimaging

GSN Students: Dr. Isabelle Ripp, Yifan Mayr, Shuqi Xie, Dilara Steenken

Selected publications:

- Sala A, Lizarraga A, Caminiti SP, Calhoun VD, Eickhoff SB, Habeck C, Jamadar SD, Perani D, Pereira JB, Veronese M, Yakushev I. Brain connectomics: time for a molecular imaging perspective? Trends in Cognitive Sciences 2023; accepted. IF=24.5

- Yakushev I, Ripp I, Wang M, Savio A, Schutte M, Lizarraga A, Bogdanovic B, Diehl-Schmid J, Hedderich DM, Grimmer T, Shi K. Mapping covariance in brain FDG uptake to structural connectivity. European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging 2022; 49:1288-1297. IF=10.1

- Ripp I, Wallenwein L, Wu Q, Emch M, Koch K, Cumming P, Yakushev I. Working memory task induced neural activation: a simultaneous PET/fMRI study. Neuroimage 2021; 15; 237: 118131. IF=7.4.

- Ripp I, Stadhouders T, Savio A, Goldhardt O, Cabello J, Calhoun V, Riedl V, Hedderich D, Diehl-Schmid J, Grimmer T, Yakushev I. Integrity of neurocognitive networks in dementing disorders as measured with simultaneous PET/fMRI. Journal of Nuclear Medicine 2020; 61: 1341-1347. IF=10.1.

- Guo T, Dukart J, Brendel M, Rominger A, Grimmer T, Yakushev I. Rate of beta-amyloid accumulation varies with baseline amyloid burden: implications for anti-amyloid drug trials. Alzheimer’s & Dementia 2018; 14: 1387-1396. Featured article. IF=14.4