Munich Center for NeuroSciences - Brain and Mind

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Florian P. Kolb

Prof. Dr. Dr. Florian P. Kolb

Associate member MCN


Head of Research Group, Institute of Physiology - Department of Physiological Genomics


Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich
Chair of Physiological Genomics
Schillerstr. 46
D-80636 München

Phone: +49 (0)89 / 2180-75224


Further Information

Research focus: Physiology and pathophysiology of the xerebellum, motor learning

Key words: Motor systems, cerebellar physiology and pathophysiology, motor learning via associative processes or non-associative processes (adaptation, habituation), lesion induced plasticity in cerebellar systems, motor rehabilitation, neuro cybernetics, modeling of Neural Networks, acupuncture points and skin resistance, readyness potential and philosophy

Selected publications:

Timmann D, Kaulich T, Föhre W, Kutz DF, Gerwig M and Kolb FP. (2012) Comparison of the Classically Conditioned Withdrawal Reflex in Cerebellar Patients and Healthy Control Subjects During Stance: I. Electrophysiological Characteristics. Cerebellum Epub Jul 27 2012.

Meindl T, Schmid BC, Timmann D, Kolb FP and Kutz DF. (2012) Contribution of the cerebellum to the coupling of grip force and pull force during an isometric precision grip task. Cerebellum 11(1): 167-80.

Timmann D, Drepper J, Frings M, Maschke M, Richter S, Gerwig M and Kolb FP. (2010) The human cerebellum contributes to motor, emotional and cognitive associative learning. A review. Cortex 46(7): 845-57.

Gerwig M, Dimitrova A, Kolb FP, Maschke M, Brol B, Kunnel A, Böring D, Thilmann AF, Forsting M, Diener HC and Timmann D. (2003) Comparison of eyeblink conditioning in patients with superior and posterior inferior cerebellar lesions. Brain 126: 71-94.

Dimitrova A, Weber J, Redies C, Kindsvater, K, Maschke M, Kolb FP, Forsting M, Diener HC and Timmann D. (2002) MRI Atlas of the Human Cerebellar Nuclei. NeuroImage 17: 240-255.