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Dirk Trauner

Prof. Dr. Dirk Trauner

Former member MCN, GSN associate faculty


New York University
Department of Chemistry
100 Washington Square East
Room 712
New York
NY 10003

Phone: 001 212 998 / 3747


Further Information

Research focus: Organic and Bioorganic Chemistry — Total synthesis of bioactive natural products, synthetic methodology, and chemical neurobiology

Key words: Functional imaging, biophysics, engineering

Selected publications:

Hager D, Mayer P, Paulitz C, Tiebes J and Trauner D. (2012) Stereoselective total syntheses of herbicidin C and aureonuclemycin through late-stage glycosylation. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 51: 6525–6528.

Hog DT, Mayer P and Trauner DJ. (2012) A unified approach to trans-hydrindane sesterterpenoids. Org. Chem. 77: 5838-5843.

Hog DT, Webster R and Trauner D. (2012) Synthetic approaches toward sesterterpenoids" Nat. Prod. Rep. 2012, 29, 752-779.

Matveenko M, Liang G, Lauterwasser EMW, Zubia E and Trauner D. (2012) A total synthesis prompts the structure revision of haouamine B. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 134: 9291–9295.

Polosukhina A, Litt J, Tochitsky I, Nemargut J, Sychev Y, De Kouchkovsky I, Huang T, Borges K, Trauner D, Van Gelder RN and Kramer RH. (2012) Photochemical restoration of visual responses in blind mice. Neuron 75: 271-282.