Munich Center for NeuroSciences - Brain and Mind

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Marianne Dieterich

Prof. Dr. Marianne Dieterich

Associate member MCN, former MCN board member, former GSN Scientific Board member, GSN core faculty


Director, LMU Neurological Clinic, Clinic Großhadern


Ludwig-Maximilian-University Munich
Clinic Großhadern
Neurological Clinic
Marchioninistr. 15
D-81377 Munich

Phone: +49 (0)89 / 4400-72571
Fax: +49 (0)89 / 4400-78883


Further Information

Research focus: Analysis of peripheral and central vestibular disorders in humans, sensory systems: Psychophysical, neurophysiological examinations in combination with activation studies (PET ligands and functional MRI), unctional imaging in combination with TMS, cortical interaction between different sensory systems (visual, vestibular, acoustic, somatosensory, nociceptive): hemispherical dominance, laterality of pathways, Somatoform disorders with vertigo and dizziness

Key words: Clinical neuroscience, functional imaging, systems neurobiology, sensorimotor research

GSN students

Selected publications:

Baier B and Dieterich M. (2011) Incidence and anatomy of gaze-evoked nystagmus in patients with cerebellar lesions. Neurology 76: 361–365.

Zu Eulenburg P, Stoeter P and Dieterich M. (2010) Voxel–based morphometry depicts central compensation after vestibular neuritis. Ann Neurol 68(2): 241–249.

Baier B, Stoeter P and Dieterich M. (2009) Anatomical correlates of ocular motor deficits in cerebellar lesions. Brain 132(8): 2114–2124.

Dieterich M and Brandt T. (2008) Functional imaging of peripheral and central vestibular disorders. Brain 131: 2538–2552.

Strupp M, Zingler V, Arbusow V, Niklas D, Maag KP, Dieterich M, Bense S, Theil D, Jahn K and Brandt T. (2004) Effects of methylprednisolone, valacyclovir, or the combination in vestibular neuritis. New Engl J Med 351: 354–361.