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Hannes Leitgeb

Prof. Dr. Dr. Hannes Leitgeb

Regular member MCN, GSN Scientific Board member, GSN core faculty


Chair and Head of the Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy


Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich
Dept. of Philosophy, Philosophy of Science and Religious Studies
Chair of Logic and Philosophy of Language
Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1
D-80539 Munich

Phone: +49 (0)89 / 2180-6171


Further Information

Research focus: Logic (theories of truth and modality, paradox, conditionals, nonmonotonic reasoning, dynamic doxastic logic), epistemology (belief, inference, belief revision, foundations of probability, Bayesianism), philosophy of mathematics (structuralism, informal provability, abstraction, criteria of identity), philosophy of language (indeterminacy of translation, compositionality), cognitive science (symbolic representation and neural networks, metacognition), philosophy of science (empirical content, measurement theory), and history of philosophy (Logical Positivism, Carnap, Quine)

Graduated GSN student: Dr. Mario Günther

Selected publications:

Leitgeb H and Ortner R. (2011) In: Gabbay D, Hartmann S, Woods J (eds), Handbook for the History of Logic, Vol. 10: Inductive Logic, Springer, in press.

Leitgeb H and Pettigrew R. (2010) An Objective Justification of Bayesianism II: The Consequences of Minimizing Inaccuracy. Philosophy of Science 77/2: 236–272.

Leitgeb H and Pettigrew R. (2010) An Objective Justification of Bayesianism I: Measuring Inaccuracy. Philosophy of Science 77/2: 201–235.

Leitgeb H. (2008) An Impossibility Result on Semantic Resemblance. dialectica 62/3: 293–306.

Leitgeb H (2007) Neural Network Models of Conditionals: An Introduction". In: Arrazola X, Larrazabal JM et al. (eds), LogKCA-07, Proceedings of the First ILCLI International Workshop on Logic and Philosophy of Knowledge, Communication and Action, pp 191–223, Bilbao: University of the Basque Country Press.