Munich Center for NeuroSciences - Brain and Mind

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Christian Mayer

Dr. Christian Mayer

GSN associate faculty


Head of research group "Neurogenomics"


Max Planck Institute of Neurobiology
Am Klopferspitz 18
D-82152 Martinsried

Phone: +49 (0)89 8578 2057


Further Information

Research focus: The brain relies on an enormous diversity of local interneurons to form specialized circuits with remarkable processing capacities. Yet how different types neurons emerge during development and integrate into functional circuits remains unclear. Using genetic fate mapping strategies combined with statistical and machine learning-based methods, our goal is to elucidate the intrinsic and extrinsic factors that drive cellular decision-making during interneuron development. We are using high-throughput single cell RNAsequencing methods to reconstruct developmental trajectories and are building an integrated framework to understand how a cell’s spatial localization, epigenomic landscape, parental lineage and neural network activity influence its behavior and fate.

Selected publications:

Bandler, R. C.; Vitali, I.; Delgado, R. N.; Ho, M. C.; Dvoretskova, E.; Ibarra Molinas, J. S.; Frazel, P. W.; Mohammadkhani, M.; Machold, R.; Maedler, S.; Liddelow S, Nowakowski T.J.; Fishell G.; Mayer C.: Single-cell delineation of lineage and genetic identity in the mouse brain. Nature (2021) [Free version of the paper](

C. Mayer, C. Hafemeister, R. C. Bandler, R. Machold, R. Batista-Brito, X. Jaglin, K. Allaway, A. Butler, G. Fishell and R. Satija (2018). “Developmental diversification of cortical inhibitory interneurons,” Nature, vol. 555, 457–462. doi:10.1038/nature25999

R. C. Bandler, C. Mayer, and G. Fishell, “Cortical interneuron specification: the juncture of genes, time and geometry,” Current Opinion in Neurobiology, vol. 42, pp. 17–24, Feb. 2017

C. Mayer, X. H. Jaglin, L. V. Cobbs, R. C. Bandler, C. Streicher, C. L. Cepko, S. Hippenmeyer, and G. Fishell (2015). “Clonally Related Forebrain Interneurons Disperse Broadly across Both Functional Areas and Structural Boundaries,” Neuron, vol. 87, no. 5, pp. 989–998

C. Mayer and U. Boehm (2011) .“Female reproductive maturation in the absence of kisspeptin/GPR54 signaling,” Nature Neuroscience, vol. 14, no. 6, pp. 704–710

C. Mayer, M. Acosta-Martinez*, S. L. Dubois, A. Wolfe, S. Radovick, U. Boehm, and J. E. Levine (2010).“Timing and completion of puberty in female mice depend on estrogen receptor alpha-signaling in kisspeptin neurons,” PNAS, vol. 107, no. 52, pp. 22693–22698