Munich Center for NeuroSciences - Brain and Mind

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Mikael Simons

Prof. Dr. Mikael Simons

GSN associate faculty


Professor of Molecular Neurobiology


Institute of Neuronal Cell Biology (TUM-NCB)
Technical University Munich
German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE)
Feodor-Lynen-Straße 17
81377 Munich

Phone: +49 (0) 89 4400 46495


Further Information

Research focus: Myelin biogenesis, Regeneration in the CNS, Neurodegeneration

Current GSN students: Liliana Pedro, Vini Tiwari, Garyfallia GounaTuğberk Kaya

Graduated GSN students: Dr. Mar Bosch Queralt

Selected publications:

Safaiyan S, Kannaiyan N, Snaidero N, Brioschi S, Biber K, Yona S, Edinger AL, Jung S, Rossner MJ, Simons M (2016) Age-related myelin degradation burdens microglia clearance function during aging. Nature Neurosci, 9:995-8.

Sharma K, Schmitt S, Bergner CG, Tyanova S, Kannaiyan N, Manrique-Hoyos N, Kongi K, Cantuti L, Hanisch UW, Philips MA, Rossner MJ, Mann M*, Simons M* (2015) Cell-type and brain-region resolved mouse brain proteome. Nature Neurosci. 18:1819-1831 (co-corresponding author)

Nawaz S, Sánchez P, Schmitt S, Snaidero N, Mitkovski M, Velte C, Brückner BR, Alexopoulos I, Czopka T, Jung SY, Rhee JS, Janshoff A, Witke W, Schaap IA, Lyons DA, Simons M (2015) Actin filament turnover drives leading edge growth during myelin sheath formation in the central nervous system. Developmental Cell 27:139-51.

Snaidero N, Möbius W, Czopka T, Hekking L.H.P., Mathisen C, Verkleij D, Goebbels S, Edgar J, Merkler D, Lyons D.A., Nave K.A., Simons M. (2014) Myelin membrane wrapping of CNS axons by PI(3,4,5)P3-dependent polarized growth at the inner tongue. Cell 156:277-90.

Trajkovic K, Hsu C, Chiantia S, Rajendran L, Wenzel D, Wieland F, Schwille P, Brügger B, Simons M (2008) Ceramide triggers budding of exosome vesicles into multivesicular endosomes. Science 319(5867):1244-7.