Munich Center for NeuroSciences - Brain and Mind

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Alexander Soutschek

Dr. Alexander Soutschek

GSN associate faculty


Emmy Noether Group Leader


General and Experimental Psychology
LMU Munich
Department of Psychology
Giselastr. 10
D-80802 München

Phone: +49 (0)89 / 2180 9744
Fax: +49 (0)89 / 2180 5211


Further Information

Research focus: neural basis of value-based decision making, self-control

Methods: TMS, tDCS, fMRI, psychopharmacology, computational modelling

Current GSN students: Georgia Eleni Kapetaniou

Selected publications:

Soutschek, A. & Tobler, P.N. (2018). Motivation for the greater good: Neural mechanisms of overcoming costs. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 22, 96-101.

Soutschek, A. Kang, P., Ruff, C.C., Hare, T.A., & Tobler, P.N. (2018). Brain stimulation over frontopolar cortex enhances motivation to exert effort for reward. Biological Psychiatry, 84(1), 38-45.

Soutschek, A., Burke, C.J., Raja Beharelle, A., Schreiber, R., Weber, S.C., Karipidis, I.I., ten Velden, J., Weber, B., Haker, H., Kalenscher, T., Tobler, P.N. (2017). Dopaminergic reward system underpins gender difference in social preferences. Nature Human Behaviour, 1, 819–827.

Soutschek, A., Ruff, C.C., Strombach, T., Kalenscher, T., Tobler, P.N. (2016). Brain stimulation reveals crucial role of overcoming self-centeredness in self-control. Science Advances, 2(10):e1600992.

Soutschek, A., Taylor, P.J.C., Müller, H.J., & Schubert, T. (2013). Dissociable Networks Control Conflicts during Perception and Response Selection: a TMS Study. Journal of Neuroscience, 33(13), 5647-5654.