Munich Center for NeuroSciences - Brain and Mind

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Cell & Systems Neuroscience

Surname, First name Title Position Affiliation
Baier, Herwig Prof. Dr.  Regular member MCN, GSN core faculty MPI for Biological Intelligence
Bareyre, Florence PD Dr.  Regular member MCN, GSN core faculty LMU Institute of Clinical Neuroimmunology
Behrend, Oliver Prof. Dr.  Regular member MCN, GSN associate faculty MCN-LMU
Biel, Martin Prof. Dr.  Regular member MCN, GSN core faculty LMU Pharmacology
Bonhoeffer, Tobias Prof. Dr.  Regular member MCN, GSN core faculty MPI for Biological Intelligence
Borst, Alexander Prof. Dr.  Regular member MCN, GSN core faculty MPI for Biological Intelligence
Busse, Laura Prof. Dr.  Regular member MCN, GSN core faculty LMU Div. Neurobiology
Conzelmann, Karl-Klaus Prof. Dr.  Regular member MCN, GSN associate faculty LMU Gene Center
Dieterich, Marianne Prof. Dr.  Regular MCN member, former MCN board member, former GSN Scientific Board member, GSN core faculty LMU Neurological Clinic
Enard, Wolfgang Prof. Dr.  GSN associate faculty, regular member MCN LMU Div. Anthropology & Human Genetics
Gahr, Manfred Prof. Dr.  Regular member MCN, GSN core faculty Max Planck Institute for Biological Intelligence
Gjorgjieva, Julijana Prof. Dr.  GSN associate faculty, associate member MCN Computational Neurosciences - TUM School of Life Sciences
Gogolla, Nadine Dr.  GSN associate faculty, MCN regular member MPI of Psychiatry
Götz, Magdalena Prof. Dr.  Regular member MCN, Board member MCN, GSN Scientific Board member, GSN core faculty LMU Dept. of Physiology, Helmholtz Center Munich
Griesbeck, Oliver Dr.  Regular member MCN, GSN core faculty MPI for Biological Intelligence
Grothe, Benedikt Prof. Dr.  MCN & GSN Speaker, Head of the GSN Examination Board, GSN core faculty LMU Div. of Neurobiology
Grunwald Kadow, Ilona Prof. Dr.  Regular member MCN, GSN former faculty University of Bonn
Haass, Christian Prof. Dr.  Regular member MCN, GSN core faculty German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE) & LMU Adolf Butenandt Institute
Herz, Andreas Prof. Dr.  Board member MCN, Regular member MCN, GSN Scientific Board member, GSN core faculty LMU Div. of Neurobiology
Höglinger, Günter Prof. Dr.  GSN core faculty, MCN regular member LMU Klinikum, Neurologischen Klinik und Poliklinik
Hübener, Mark Prof. Dr.  MCN board member, GSN Scientific Board member, GSN core faculty MPI for Biological Intelligence
Jacob, Simon Prof. Dr.  Associate member MCN, GSN associate faculty TUM, Labor für Translationale Neurotechnologie
Kaiser, Alexander Dr.  GSN Teaching Coordinator, associate member MCN, GSN associate faculty LMU Div. Neurobiology
Katzner, Steffen Dr.  GSN associate faculty LMU Div. Neurobiology
Klein, Rüdiger Prof. Dr.  Regular member MCN, GSN core faculty MPI for Biological Intelligence
Konnerth, Arthur Prof. Dr.  Regular member MCN, GSN core faculty TUM Institute of Neuroscience
Kopp-Scheinpflug, Conny PD Dr.  MCN regular member, GSN associate faculty, GSN Women's Representative (Frauenbeauftragte), GSN Scientific Board member LMU Div. Neurobiology
Kunz, Lars PD Dr.  Regular member MCN, GSN associate faculty LMU Div. Neurobiology
Leibold, Christian Prof. Dr.  MCN regular member, GSN former core faculty University of Freiburg, Institute of Biology III & Bernstein Center Freiburg
Luksch, Harald Prof. Dr.  MCN advisory Board member, GSN core faculty TUM Dept. Zoology
Matiasek, Kaspar Prof. Dr.  Regular member MCN LMU Institute for Animal Pathology
Michalakis, Stylianos Prof. Dr.  GSN associate faculty, regular member MCN Department of Ophthalmology, University Hospital LMU
Misgeld, Thomas Prof. Dr. med.  Regular member MCN, GSN associate faculty TUM Institute of Neuroscience
Młynarski, Wiktor Prof. Dr.  GSN core faculty, MCN regular member LMU Munich, Faculty of Biology
Myoga, Michael Hideki Prof. Dr.  GSN associate faculty, regular member MCN Biomedical Center of the LMU
Pecka, Michael PD Dr.  Regular member MCN, Associate GSN faculty LMU Div. Neurobiology
Ploner, Markus Prof. Dr.  GSN associate faculty, regular member MCN TUM Neurological Clinic
Portugues, Ruben Prof. Dr.  GSN core faculty, associate member MCN, Advisory Board member MCN TUM School of Medicine, Institute of Neuroscience
Robles, Maria Prof. Dr.  MCN regular member, GSN associate faculty LMU Munich, Institute of Medical Psychology
Rossner, Moritz Prof. Dr.  GSN associate faculty, regular member MCN Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, LMU Klinikum
Sirota, Anton Prof. Dr.  Head of MSc Neuroscience Examination Committee, GSN associate faculty, regular member MCN LMU Division of Neurobiology, BCCN Munich
Wurst, Wolfgang Prof. Dr.  Regular member MCN, GSN Scientific Board member, GSN core faculty Helmholtz Zentrum München - Institute of Developmental Genetics
Zieglgänsberger, Walter Prof. Dr.  Associate member MCN, GSN core faculty MPI of Psychiatry
zu Eulenburg, Peter Prof. Dr. med.  Regular member MCN, GSN associate faculty Institute for Neuroradiology & German Vertigo Center