Graduate School
The Graduate School of Systemic Neurosciences (GSN-LMU) is the teaching entity for neuroscience education in Munich. In tight collaboration with the master programs Neurosciences and Neurocognitive Psychology, the GSN-LMU offers an integrated teaching program taking students from their bachelor to a master or PhD degree.
The proposal for the GSN-LMU was successful in the first round of the Excellence Initiative in 2006 and the second round in 2012. The GSN-LMU was established as an interdisciplinary institution of LMU Munich that is independently governed and awards a doctoral degree different from the traditional faculty structure of the universities.
To effectively secure a straightforward curriculum within the multitude of options available to students within the MCN / GSN, an appointed teaching coordinator is in continual contact with students regarding academic planning. Additionally, the administrative team helps students adjust their path towards graduation on an individual basis. The sound education of future neuroscientists within the center will help to further develop the Munich area as an outstanding and internationally recognized neuroscience hub.